Our vision: a renewable, decentralized, digital energy supply available around the clock. Learn more about Solar Promotion Group.
About us
Who We Are
Our History
Our Management
Die Solar Promotion Gruppe veranstaltet weltweit Fachmessen sowie Konferenzen und vernetzt die Macher einer zukunftsfähigen Energiewelt. Im Fokus stehen dabei erneuerbare Energien, Dezentralisierung und Digitalisierung sowie branchenübergreifende Lösungen für eine erneuerbare Energieversorgung 24/7 in den Sektoren Strom, Wärme und Verkehr.
Enter your innovations for the AWARD and stand out as an energy game changer!
May 6, 2024
Technological development of solar cells and modules, from the triumph of TOPCon cells to perovskite silicon tandem solar cells
Join our exhibitions and conferences in the area of renewable energy and energy efficiency around the world.
Our vision: a renewable, decentralized, digital energy supply available around the clock.
We organize regular webinars with specialists from business, research and associations. Explore our webinars at the mediacenter of The smarter E Digital!
The podcast for and with the creators of the new energy world. Browse through our episode overview!
Are you looking for a partner for your event? Do you have an idea and need a competent partner? Or perhaps you are looking for a new employer?
Get in touch at info(at)solarpromotion.com !
Get an overview of all events.
The Solar Promotion Group as an employer and current job postings.
We are delighted to be actively involved as a partner of Ornamenta 2024.
Benefit from our global network on the new platform for smart energy solutions The smarter E Digital!
The Solar Promotion Group is managed by Markus Elsässer, Dr. Florian Wessendorf and Bernd Porzelius.
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